H.Upmann Regalias (Single Cigar)

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Cuban Cigar

H. Upmann Regalias is a well-known cigar brand that hails from Cuba. It is revered for its craftsmanship, rich history, and exceptional tobacco blends. The H. Upmann Regalias cigar is a classic and elegant smoke that embodies the essence of Cuban cigars.

The Regalias cigar is a handmade, medium-bodied smoke that showcases the expertise of the Cuban cigar rollers. It is crafted using carefully selected tobacco leaves, cultivated in the renowned Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba. The Vuelta Abajo's fertile soil and unique microclimate contribute to the distinct flavors and aromas found in these cigars.

The H. Upmann Regalias cigar features a smooth and silky wrapper leaf that is meticulously applied to encase the binder and filler. The wrapper is known for its rich, reddish-brown color and delicate veins. It adds a touch of beauty to the overall appearance of the cigar.

Upon lighting the H. Upmann Regalias, you'll experience a flavorful journey. The initial draw reveals notes of cedar, wood, and subtle spices that dance on your palate. As you progress through the smoke, the flavors deepen, and you may detect hints of roasted nuts, leather, and a touch of sweetness.

The burn of the H. Upmann Regalias is typically even, allowing you to enjoy a consistent smoking experience. The ash is firm and holds well, adding to the overall enjoyment of the cigar.

With a length of approximately 5 inches and a ring gauge of 42, the H. Upmann Regalias offers a satisfying smoking time, allowing you to savor the nuances of the blend. It is a classic size that many cigar enthusiasts appreciate.

Overall, the H. Upmann Regalias cigar is a testament to the Cuban cigar tradition. It embodies elegance, craftsmanship, and a rich flavor profile that has made it a beloved choice among cigar aficionados worldwide. Whether you're a seasoned smoker or new to the world of cigars, the H. Upmann Regalias offers a delightful experience that showcases the best of Cuban tobacco.

About H. Upmann: 
As one of the oldest cigar brands around today, H. Upmann has come readily to the lips of cigar connoisseurs for well over a century and a half. The name traces its roots back to 1844 when two brothers, August and Hermann Upmann, who are also attributed with the invention of the cedar box as a means to store cigars, started the brand in Havana.
Length: 5.0 inches (129mm)
Ring Gauge: 42
Factory Shape: Marevas
Strength: Medium

Shipping: Ships all across India within a time period of 1-2 Days 

*All cigars listed are guaranteed to be fully matured and in perfect condition for smoking.
*All Our Cigars are stored in Temperature Controlled Humidors 
* www.cigarsindia.in has been rated India's Best Online Store to Gift Cigars in India.

About Us: 
We are India’s Largest and Trusted Online Cigar Store, and have been a favorite and reliable store to buy Cigars online in India, we truly understand Cigars, and hence take great care in making sure that all our Cigars are stored in temperature controlled humidors so that they deliver a great smoking experience for all our customers. We have been with the Cigar industry in India for more than 17 Years now, and many Cigar customers from around India have made us their personal supplier of Genuine Cuban Cigars and Cigars from other wonderful Tobacco growing nations such as Nicaragua, Dominican Republic and Honduras, also featured are some stunning Cigar Accessories and Pipe Tobacco. 
So if your are looking for a great Cigar experience we encourage you to get in touch with us and our panel of cigar experts will be more than happy to assist you with their vast knowledge of Cigars. 
We deliver Cigars to any location in India, and package your orders with great care, our staff is knowledgeable and friendly, and they will make sure that you have a smooth ordering process. 
We have a Cigar Smoking Room in Bangalore, where we feature a lovely collection of  Cigars, with pristine ambiance for our customers to enjoy the finest Hand Made Cigars available in India, so if you are in town, we encourage you to pay us a visit. 
Warm Regards, 
Team CigarsIndia.in 

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