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Montecristo Cigars are known worldwide to be one of the best Cigars, this comes from legendary actor Jack Nicholas himslef, who loves a Montecristo Cigar everyday. Now, Montecristo have made their mark in India as one of the fastest selling and most preferred Cigar among Cigar Connoisseurs from across the country, this comes very close to the Cohiba brand which is the biggest brand in terms of sales in the entire world, but, in the recent past, Montecristo have made their presence felt in a strong manner mainly due to better quality control measures from the production facility and also, lesser production so that the Cigars so that they can churn out the best possible quality.
More than one Lac Montecristo Cigars were sold in India in the year 2011 and this number is tuned to increase by three folds in the coming years, as the neo rich take on these expensive Cigars in larger numbers, and this is sure to further boost the sales of Montecristo Cigars in India.
Here is a list of some the best selling Montecristo Cigars in order of the highest amount of sales.
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